I got that job at CVS. Chyea. haha I just got back from filling out papers. FUN STUFF I tell you!
Practice yesterday was uneventful. Except that I almost killed someone for giving me attitude. Naaat cool.
My nephews got a cold. I feel so bad. The poor little guy has a runny nose & chapped lips.
It makes me so sad to see him like that.
Buuuut I think I'm going to the gym before I have to babysit soo I'll catch ya on the flipside yo. hahah oh my god shoot me.
Practice yesterday was uneventful. Except that I almost killed someone for giving me attitude. Naaat cool.
My nephews got a cold. I feel so bad. The poor little guy has a runny nose & chapped lips.

Buuuut I think I'm going to the gym before I have to babysit soo I'll catch ya on the flipside yo. hahah oh my god shoot me.

and that second display pic you have...
uber super hot!
like wow