I want to know anything and everything about you. Comment below and spill your guts out, I DARE you!

I'm 50, but with the mindset of an 18 year old. I once climbed the front of a town pub and sat on the stone lion on it's roof for a drunken dare. When I was 21, I went to a very debauched party, and woke up the next morning in the Victorian part of the town cemetery, hugging two near-naked goth girls. I once started a completely spurious rumour, when bored, of a maniac who went about fucking, and then killing farm animals in a tiny village near where I live. The story spread, to my glee, that people had actually seen this person running across the fields, and the icing on the cake, was when I placed a pig's heart, and then spread a bag full of blood, fat, and shards of flesh, in a phone box in a different village, writing obscenities in blood on the glass, and the word 'GOODBYE'. I have been obsessed with Doctor Who since 1968. I used to DJ in an Alternative club from 1985 to 1991, with an old friend. From 1989 onwards, most of the time we were smashed out of our tiny minds by acid and speed. One day, towards the middle of 1991, I came down from a trip - not a bad one, but everything had a kind of 'motion blur', and I thought: "This isn't fun any more." I haven't touched any recdrugs since. I probably own more toys now than most kids will dream of in a lifetime (but the cool stuff is way too good for kids - there are LEGO sets marked 16+ now, I notice). The first proper comic books I read were DC - an issue of The Atom, and an issue of Hawkman, way back in 1968/9. I still remember the smell of pulp and ink. Sublime. I'm both nocturnal and a winter person. I have serious problems with heat, and I never tan, only blister. I can go out, so long as I'm covered up. I like cats, and am allergic to dog hair. I was recently called a weirdo, by a woman walking her dog, when she saw me eating Elderflowers straight from the tree, still covered in dew (absolutely delicious, believe me). She said they were poisonous, I said you know nothing, wait 'till the berries come out. She said the berries were even more poisonous. I told her to fuck off. So. That's a bit about me.😉😘😘😘

Ha! That takes one on one convo.