back from halloween party #1 and the Mad Max costume went over pretty well. I'll post some pics soon. Waiting for the alcohol to wear off as I get a bit of sleep before work at 7am....again......
More Blogs
Sunday May 20, 2007
Good stuff is happening right now. I got the starbucks job. you kn… -
Tuesday May 15, 2007
I got a new laptop yesterday. It a black macbook and it's the shit! … -
Wednesday May 09, 2007
I had my first of many auditions coming up and I think it went pretty… -
Monday May 07, 2007
Alright. So I'm officially moved in to my new apt in Wicker Park. Thi… -
Monday Apr 30, 2007
Finally, I've gotten everything packed up and I'm just about ready to… -
Tuesday Apr 24, 2007
back in norfolk, va packing up the rest of my shit before I move out … -
Wednesday Apr 18, 2007
So I just got into Chicago again. I was supposed to move into a house… -
Friday Mar 30, 2007
Okay, so update. Lets see, so that night I went to the Spot to see my… -
Sunday Mar 18, 2007
St. Patty's Day in Chicago was one for the ages. Started off chill. E… -
Thursday Mar 15, 2007
So I got into Chicago yesterday without a hitch. The flight was on ti…