Its rainging here and its so beautiful! Something about the rain makes me happy.
I took out my extensions last night when i got back in town...thank god I have thick hair - I swear half of my hair fell out with the extensions, it was sick!!!
I had a great time in Denver, saw a lot of ppl I hadnt seen in like 5yrs and otherwise, I just hung out.
So something really fucked up happened...I went out last night and can home this morning to find my cat dead on my living room floor. littledeadkid had to have a pit bull when we moved down here and when he moved back to denver, he couldnt take her, so I kept her. Well she has attacked a few dogs over the past 2 yrs and at some point last night, she mutilated my cat. I couldnt look at her with out getting sick. I had to call the police to come over and get my kitty out of my house cause I had no one else I could call. It was really fucked and I dont know what to do with Daisy. I love her to death, but shes a fucked up dog and I dont want to ever see something like that again! This is the second animal Ive lost in the past few months
I took out my extensions last night when i got back in town...thank god I have thick hair - I swear half of my hair fell out with the extensions, it was sick!!!
I had a great time in Denver, saw a lot of ppl I hadnt seen in like 5yrs and otherwise, I just hung out.
So something really fucked up happened...I went out last night and can home this morning to find my cat dead on my living room floor. littledeadkid had to have a pit bull when we moved down here and when he moved back to denver, he couldnt take her, so I kept her. Well she has attacked a few dogs over the past 2 yrs and at some point last night, she mutilated my cat. I couldnt look at her with out getting sick. I had to call the police to come over and get my kitty out of my house cause I had no one else I could call. It was really fucked and I dont know what to do with Daisy. I love her to death, but shes a fucked up dog and I dont want to ever see something like that again! This is the second animal Ive lost in the past few months

And yes, rain is beautiful. Makes me happy/peaceful.