I came home tonight to find the cops waiting on me. Apparently someone called the cops because my pitbull was running around. Her and my other puppy have been getting out lately and I guess someone got sick of it and called the cops. Well long story short, I agrued with the cop for a while and then he yelled at me and then he deceided to be cool to me and not give me a ticket and then he found out I had warrants...and I apparently have A BUNCH!!! I thought I had taken care of them, but I guess i didnt get them all. Problem is, I cant even pay my bills, how am I going to pay tickets??? Well all worked out well, he told me to take care of them and let me go.
He was really cool, he just wanted to know why I starting being a bitch to him. I told him that it doesnt make me happy to come home and have some asshole shining a light in my face. He asked if I had been in trouble before and then I had to go into my long past of bullshit. I think thats the only reason he didnt take me to jail...he figured I had been through enough shit.
Anyway, I need to go to bed cause i was supposed to be studying but I had to deal with that shit, so Ive gotta get up in the morning and study...Ive got a psych test tomorrow...Im failing the class and the prof knows i have to pass in order to graduate, so hes trying to help me out...it wont look to good if I fail this test.
He was really cool, he just wanted to know why I starting being a bitch to him. I told him that it doesnt make me happy to come home and have some asshole shining a light in my face. He asked if I had been in trouble before and then I had to go into my long past of bullshit. I think thats the only reason he didnt take me to jail...he figured I had been through enough shit.
Anyway, I need to go to bed cause i was supposed to be studying but I had to deal with that shit, so Ive gotta get up in the morning and study...Ive got a psych test tomorrow...Im failing the class and the prof knows i have to pass in order to graduate, so hes trying to help me out...it wont look to good if I fail this test.

A couple of bats of the eyelids usually does the trick in that kind of situation! Try not to worry about the tickets, something good will happen, i promise! *making happy news spell*
When are y'all going out tonight? I was about to say I couldn't come, but fuck it, maybe I will. I'll be spending money I shouldn't spend, but oh fucking well, right? lol