It amazes me that no one working for the city and police departments, knows shit about the laws regarding sex toys down here, but yet realtors (who I think are the scum of the earth) know that you cant have one with in so many feet of another store or a skool or park. Ive spent a few hours calling ppl and looking shit up on line and so far Ive gotten no where. The city clerk thought I was making up that Austin had a vice squad..I hope she felt really stupid after we got off the phone!!
If anyone knows ANYTHING about laws and how to fight stupid laws or how to find out info regarding the legality of porno stores in this horrid state, please talk to me!!!!
I have a feeling Im going to have to move out of tx to open my store. And that blows cause Im really starting to like it down here.
If anyone knows ANYTHING about laws and how to fight stupid laws or how to find out info regarding the legality of porno stores in this horrid state, please talk to me!!!!
I have a feeling Im going to have to move out of tx to open my store. And that blows cause Im really starting to like it down here.

or you can always come out here and open one
[Edited on Sep 25, 2003]