I couldnt take being at skool today, so I left early. I only went to 2 classes and that was only because we were getting our tests back. Well I got an 84 on the first one and a 61 on the second one.
Im so sick of skool. I spent my entire time in each class day dreaming about sex. I dont know what it is, but sex seems to be all I think about lately. I know it has everything to do with the fact that I went from having great sex every day to not really sleeping with men any more. I think I just need to go on a binge and get lots of sex in a short period of time and Ill be happy and can focus on skool shit.

Im so sick of skool. I spent my entire time in each class day dreaming about sex. I dont know what it is, but sex seems to be all I think about lately. I know it has everything to do with the fact that I went from having great sex every day to not really sleeping with men any more. I think I just need to go on a binge and get lots of sex in a short period of time and Ill be happy and can focus on skool shit.

Wow, what a problem to have...................let me knoe if I can be of assistance!
*sigh* Sex rules. Good luck on your app! I think you are the cutest!