Its time for bed!! But one of my stupid dogs took off into my neighbors yard and I cant get him out, so I jsut ahve to sit here and wait for him to get bored adn come home. Hes fat, it shouldnt be too long!!
I had a really good time tonight. I went out with mulholladdrive tonight. We went to the ritz and played pool for a while and I ran into a kid that I used ot work with in Dallas - totally random, but cool. I gotta quit staying up so late!!! But I had a lot of fun, so its cool...I dont need sleep that bad. I dont have a job or anything to do tomorrow besides laundry. Gots lots of that to do.
Nite nite dog just wandered back inside!
I had a really good time tonight. I went out with mulholladdrive tonight. We went to the ritz and played pool for a while and I ran into a kid that I used ot work with in Dallas - totally random, but cool. I gotta quit staying up so late!!! But I had a lot of fun, so its cool...I dont need sleep that bad. I dont have a job or anything to do tomorrow besides laundry. Gots lots of that to do.
Nite nite dog just wandered back inside!

damn dogs! was it the pitbull? well, i'll listen out for the dog, but i doubt he'll make it this far. it seems like there's always really good tv on this late, and i'm not talkin' about infomercials. there's usually perry mason(the old ones), or old looney tunes, or some bad movie. must get up to clean el rancho mulhollando. i think a pool rematch is in order. see ya's!
Sleep when you're dead.