woops, its 1pm and I was supposed to be up for class at 10am.
It feels so good to sleep that late!! Even though I had some horrible pain in my chest all morning and if I move certain ways it still comes back.
So last night I went and met a kid off of friendster that I had been talking to for a while. I had more fun last ngiht than Ive had in a long time. We walked around on the drag and then went and got rootbeer floats at some little cafe and the waitress was really cool and gave em to us for free. Then we started walking around some more and found a pool on a roof top and decieded to go swimming - nakid!!
It was fun until I looked up and reaalised there was a camera on us the whole time. IT was funny cause we had been waiting on the security gaurds to come and kick us out but once we found the camera we figured they were all inside watching waiting for us to start fuckin.
So we left. But instead of going home we jsut sat in the st and talked until 2am. This guy is great, but he is just getting out of a relationship and I dont want to be the rebound chick, so I guess we will just be friends. Which is cool cause I have a lot of fun with him.
Anyway, I think since I skiped out on skool, I should go do some homework and be productive....
Thanks for all the compliments on the set!!!!

So last night I went and met a kid off of friendster that I had been talking to for a while. I had more fun last ngiht than Ive had in a long time. We walked around on the drag and then went and got rootbeer floats at some little cafe and the waitress was really cool and gave em to us for free. Then we started walking around some more and found a pool on a roof top and decieded to go swimming - nakid!!

Anyway, I think since I skiped out on skool, I should go do some homework and be productive....

Thanks for all the compliments on the set!!!!

it's fun though isn't it?
I just wish sometimes I could skip work as easily...but it's different when they are paying you rather than the other way around.
sounds like a good time. good for you!