*Dont read this unless u want to hear the bullshit in my life*
My sister is an undiagnosed bi-polar. She is fuckin crazy and needs some serious help. She has been pissed and not talking to me for about 2 weeks now. Out of the blue last night she calls and wakes me up, crying and screaming. She was saying that she was sorry for being a bad sister and then my shitty phone hung up on her. I tried calling her back a few times and finally gave up and went back to bed. I knew what had happened, since it was sort of my fault....I told her boyfriend of 4 yrs that she has been cheating on him with her boss. So I knew that he had just told her and I figured she was drunk, so I didnt think much of it, I just thought she was upset. Well at about 4am, she calls me back still crying and all she could do was tell me she needed me and I asked if she was ok and she said no and that she might need to go to the hospital. So I get up and drive over to her place and on the way, I started thinking the worse and I know how violent she can get, so I decieded to call the police to go over with me. We get there ony to find her not in her house, but passed out in the back of her car. She had locked herself in and we couldnt get her up. I thouhgt she had oded or something. I found an extra set of keys in her house and after about half an hour the cops finally got her to wake up and start talking. She was jsut really drunk and then she started yelling at the cops. BLAH, well anyway, he boyfirend called this afternoon saying that she had been threatening to kill herself, so my dad and I decieded to call the cops again and have them come get her and take her to a hospital. Well they got there and told us there was nothing they could do at that point, so we jsut have to wait and hope she doesnt kill herself. On top of all of that, she knows that it was me and my dad, so she definatly wont talk to us if she needs it and she has burned all of her bridges so she has no friends and the guy shes fuckin is married and has kids.
What the fuck are u supposed to do with ppl like that? Shes so angry at the world and so fucked up but she doesnt realise it. She hates counslers and she doesnt want help. Im so lost and just dont want to deal with it, but I will feel responsible if she does hurt herself. Shes 29 and has the mentallity of a 12 yr old!!! Shit like this makes me not want to be around ppl - I have enought shit to deal with on my own, I dont want other ppls problems on top of mine - call me selfish, but I cant handle it right now!
My sister is an undiagnosed bi-polar. She is fuckin crazy and needs some serious help. She has been pissed and not talking to me for about 2 weeks now. Out of the blue last night she calls and wakes me up, crying and screaming. She was saying that she was sorry for being a bad sister and then my shitty phone hung up on her. I tried calling her back a few times and finally gave up and went back to bed. I knew what had happened, since it was sort of my fault....I told her boyfriend of 4 yrs that she has been cheating on him with her boss. So I knew that he had just told her and I figured she was drunk, so I didnt think much of it, I just thought she was upset. Well at about 4am, she calls me back still crying and all she could do was tell me she needed me and I asked if she was ok and she said no and that she might need to go to the hospital. So I get up and drive over to her place and on the way, I started thinking the worse and I know how violent she can get, so I decieded to call the police to go over with me. We get there ony to find her not in her house, but passed out in the back of her car. She had locked herself in and we couldnt get her up. I thouhgt she had oded or something. I found an extra set of keys in her house and after about half an hour the cops finally got her to wake up and start talking. She was jsut really drunk and then she started yelling at the cops. BLAH, well anyway, he boyfirend called this afternoon saying that she had been threatening to kill herself, so my dad and I decieded to call the cops again and have them come get her and take her to a hospital. Well they got there and told us there was nothing they could do at that point, so we jsut have to wait and hope she doesnt kill herself. On top of all of that, she knows that it was me and my dad, so she definatly wont talk to us if she needs it and she has burned all of her bridges so she has no friends and the guy shes fuckin is married and has kids.
What the fuck are u supposed to do with ppl like that? Shes so angry at the world and so fucked up but she doesnt realise it. She hates counslers and she doesnt want help. Im so lost and just dont want to deal with it, but I will feel responsible if she does hurt herself. Shes 29 and has the mentallity of a 12 yr old!!! Shit like this makes me not want to be around ppl - I have enought shit to deal with on my own, I dont want other ppls problems on top of mine - call me selfish, but I cant handle it right now!
I'm so sorry I wish I was ther to give you a hug and let you cry on my shoulder........But your one tough sonofabitch so I know you can handle it.
i'm so sorry, hun
i know how tough it is to deal with people like that, i had an ex who is bi-polar and did some of the same shit. hope everything works out. *hugs*