Ive really gotta get a car with ac!! I just had to drive my cousin to dallas and then come right back and its hot as fuck outside!!!! Good news is that I got the crx back today and it was a lot cheaper to fix than we expected!
Unfortuantly, I cant go get it cause I dont know anyone that can drive a stick that has nothing better to do tonight.
Skools out on thursday and thats when I start work! They rock - I told them that I already had plane tickets to go to LA in august and they said it was cool if i went for the week!!!!
Im excited, so if anyone lives in la and wants to hang out, hit me up!!!! Il be there from the 8th to the 13th!
Im bored, I think Im going to take a long hot bath and then watch a movie or something....I feel like relaxing tonight....anyone wanna come over and join me????

Skools out on thursday and thats when I start work! They rock - I told them that I already had plane tickets to go to LA in august and they said it was cool if i went for the week!!!!

Im bored, I think Im going to take a long hot bath and then watch a movie or something....I feel like relaxing tonight....anyone wanna come over and join me????

beat my ass-- u wish- as soon as i get off the plane and see u im going to sock u in the head- pow!- yea

I would come over and relax with you but you're too far away and I would get you sick.