So I woke up today and realized that I am still going to have a great time today. Enough bitching. I am not going to let the fact that it is February 14th ruin my day. Reason #1 -my best friend is my valentine - and she kicks ass, #2- it is a beautiful day outside (not subzero for once), #3 - my birthday is...
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the world is under siege but yet already destroyed. if we clean up this mess they may just come back...
I'm glad we had a chance to talk last week. I was in a horrible mood when I first got to MoI, but just having a few minutes to vent helped me out considerably. Thanks for listening.
Ahh so it that time again --V-Day - aka D-Day. bleck.
V-day is victory day. For yourself. It's your day to appreciate the love and passion you give to your kids. You're ingniting lives and helping to shape the future. Teaching is the ultimate Valentine. It lasts a lifetime. You're amazing. Remember that.

Ok so I went to the doctor's office.. and discovered that I have a sinus infection that is so bad that my doctor actually sang the song "Great big gobs of greasy grimey gopher gut" to me - as a way of describing my condition! uuck! I think I have reached a new low.
but yes I wil still attend the Burlesque Show - because...
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but yes I wil still attend the Burlesque Show - because...
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i liked the show. i was a little disapointed it was so short. i was also annoyed at getting forced into the balcony, but bleh, what can you do? sorry to have missed you there. i didn't go to ministry. had to work the next day.
did you have fun, inspite of issues?
did you have fun, inspite of issues?

i think i would have rather stood the entire time. my ass was so dead by the end. we didn't get actual seats. we sat on the floor in front of the seats in the first row. very uncomfortable.
what's your new tattoo of?!
what's your new tattoo of?!

OK so I went to the doctors office - and discovered that I have a sinus infection that is so bad that my doctor actually sang the song "Great big gobs of greasy grimey gopher guts" to me! (as a way of referring to my condition). uuck! I think I have reached a new low.
So it is supposed to climb above freezing next week. yay! I think I'm going to piss my pants. Who knew something like that could be so exciting?
Piss your pants?..HAHAHAH!

i didn't take any phcameras, i knew i'd be back there... and there are thousands! the guy who owns the place has done some of the best public art anywhere ever. ever. ever. plus he's a phillyman. hey, buddy holly's on the radio! woo hoo! when i see you later this week, i'll tell you all about his stuff... it'll keep me from talking about motorcycles
here's a book that i just ordered: rural studio: the architecture of decency (about samuel mockbee's gig) and i just finished the language of blood by jane jeong trenka, memoir of a korean adoptee... fucking amazing excellent superb stu-god-damned-pendous materpiece with sugar on it

I am shriveling up like a prune. The air outside is so cold and dry and uninviting.. the air inside is like recirculated death. bleh.
Snow day today people --- snow day.

I am drying up liek a prune.
The air outside is so cold and dry - the air inside in like death - dry, hot, and artificial.
I am telling you - when it warms up I am going NUTS! I will be riding my bike all over the damned place - in red flip flops and a bright purple polka dot bikini! (well...
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I am telling you - when it warms up I am going NUTS! I will be riding my bike all over the damned place - in red flip flops and a bright purple polka dot bikini! (well...
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Good news -- I am unexpectedly off work today. (there is no heat in the school I work at). Bad news - someone broke into my car last night - right in front of my house. They only got about $12 in quarters though -- but damn it that was my parking meter money!

OK so it is freezing again. And my pipes are frozen AGAIN. This is the worst winter ever. I don't recall it being this cold before.
Yeah, this is the coldest winter i can remember in at least 12 years, so far. The pipe running underground at my shop froze yesterday, so we now have no water.
I have no hot water. My pipes are frozen.
So I am forced to heat water on the stove in little pans and then splash around in them to bathe. I feel like Laura Ingles.

*giggle, reminds me of when I used to do that when I lived in this shitty little town in northern California. ...hmmm well good luck with that.
*click*, KBj
*click*, KBj
Thanks for the short list..Sounds military related: Texas, Alaska, Oklahoma, Germany, Georgia... are these random or favorites? I have just lived all over Illinois, Iowa and Florida but have just been moving basically the last ten years. There seems to be some time of corelation proportionatley between my age and the length of time I am in one place being directly related to the difficulty in leaving said place. The last couple times I have developed a rule of not making any or as few friends as possible to ease the transition as well as taking in my surroundings as much as possible. It seems no matter how many times I move, I like where I was better than where I am... Im not sure what that says about me... Are you staying put for awhile? Do you wanna have roots? Sorry for my ramblings... still kind of waking up... Hope you are warm Laura Ingles

Little kids are so damned smart. They see so many things that we do not see anymore.. and if they feel like hopping down the hall and acting like little freaks - well then they DO it - without hesitation.
the japanese have a word for this... but i can't remember it. translated to something like youthful enthusiam... i've run a cross it three times. japanese drumming, a samurai book (seen ghost dog?), and a book called learning to bow (about teaching in japan) it's one of the things that everything i like has. passionate sensless enthusiam.

Sounds inspireing.... I remember thinking a the same thing many times.. but the image that sticks in my head is this child I saw jumping up and down in a huge mud puddle.. just laughing away and really enjoying life....

So the time has come --- what is your resolution this time???

Anyone know how to block people from posting in your journal?? honestly. help.
i'm done
ok the holidays are over -- you can all stop shopping now.

, Me