Dear SG,
I am resigning my account as an SG supporter. It's not that I have any issues with anyone's lifestyle personally, but I'm just not really interested in most of what SG represents. Two simple reasons I'm quitting: 1) I respect the chastity of women; 2) I don't desire to masturbate. To be honest, I'm just an artist trying to find his niche... It was fun chatting with the intelligent ones of the forums... but chats can continue regardless via some other facet of communication. Preferably email.
Therefore, I am leaving my email address if you wish to reach me in the future. Please declare in the subject line something about Suicide Girls so I don't delete your email.
The address is:
Love you all!
I am resigning my account as an SG supporter. It's not that I have any issues with anyone's lifestyle personally, but I'm just not really interested in most of what SG represents. Two simple reasons I'm quitting: 1) I respect the chastity of women; 2) I don't desire to masturbate. To be honest, I'm just an artist trying to find his niche... It was fun chatting with the intelligent ones of the forums... but chats can continue regardless via some other facet of communication. Preferably email.
Therefore, I am leaving my email address if you wish to reach me in the future. Please declare in the subject line something about Suicide Girls so I don't delete your email.
The address is:
Love you all!
You've been on here since January and your leaving now an proclaiming a respect for women and chastity on the way out? God, I wanted to give you a chance but looking at your friends list and your rambling claptrap blog enteries I rather spit on you and tell you to make sure the door doesn't hit you on your overinflated egotist ass on the way out.