The first and so far only (not for lack of desire) time I did mushrooms it did actually change my life and my relationship with my mom and brothers, drastically, permanently, and for the better. I was 15 and working retail at an herb and tea store. The owner was this crazy, amazing, punk witch dyke. I walked into the shop to work for a few hours and instead she handed me a cup of foul smelling tea and told me to chew up the bits on the bottom. 15 minutes late... Ooo-eee. I had to go to my mom's business down the block and tell her I was tripping balls and that she needed to take me home. She stayed with me for hours and just hung out, made sure things were mellow. My brothers didn't know what was up but they could sense something and were being all extra goofy and I was so happy to be around my family, I realized how awful our relationship had been for the past few years and how a lot of it was just me acting out and that I really loved them all more than anything. Not to say we all got along forever from then on, but it really actually helped.
Wow, sorry, I totally rambled. Do you mind my asking what happened for you?
Wow, sorry, I totally rambled. Do you mind my asking what happened for you?