My week has been fairly boring. Just working mainly at the Moore during the day. The days have gone by very slow. We had Queensryche using our theatre to practice for their upcoming tour which starts the end of this month. So, it's been butt rock central. They people have all been very nice, just a little strange. The lead singer Jeff rides a really hot harley davidson so I've been staring at it and wishing I could go for a ride on it..hehehe.
Tonight my friends are playing at the Crocidile Cafe. Their bands name is Drop Six Drop Six. My friend Mischa totally kicks ass on guitar. I love watching her shred it. Sooo hot! This weekend I have a shoot with Reed. We are going to work on some new shots for my portfolio and bust out a couple sets. This coming Thursday I have studio time set up to shoot with my dear friend KCarver, aka..Trashy. She's a hot new photographer whom I adore. Voyeur Photography
Not really sure what content she wants to shoot with me. However, I have great energy with her and it's always fun! She has a superb way of ordering me around which I love. She used to be a pro dominatrix in Chicago if that gives you any clue to her demeanor. So, when we work together our two natures (Dominant and submissive) blend together nicely.

I will have a few sets of photos with no home. I was thinking of saving one of the sets for SG. Last year I applied to be a SGl but never sent in a set. I read how a lot of girls have so much trouble having their sets accepted. I was a bit discouraged by that. Also, the contract rates with other sites are much more profitable. I will mull it over again and decide who I want to send my sets to. I have had a few offers and am just trying to be smart about my decision. Now that I'm done working on random art projects I will be focusing more on web work. Yay!
I'm on a Trevor Brown kick this week. I love his artwork. Here's one of my favorite pieces called Amputee.

Did you get to see the 1997 movie "The Edge " ? There is a summary and trailer on the internet. Focus on the scene where that poor, tortured , bleeding soul is dragged , screaming , into the dark , wooded wilderness , while his two helpless friends stood by.
I'll probably have another nightmare tonight , with old memories of my experiences in Alaska.