Today was one of the most exhausting days ever. I thought working on a holiday would be a breeze. I was completely wrong. At the Seattle Symphony the new season brochure had gone out over the weekend and subsribers are now able to renew their season. They are able to do all of this online, however the system was either not set up or tested properly so patrons were having tons of trouble placeing orders. When I got to work this morning there were 20 calls holding for my phone line. It was a bit overwhelming at first listening to complaints but on the most part people were just extatic about our new season that they just wanted to make sure they weren't missing out on renewing their seats. It was also very busy because 3 people had called out sick. One was the Manager, another was the Subsription Coordinator and the last just an operations representative like me. All I can say is that the day did go by fairly quick, but I do have a monster headache right now. Too bad I don't really like to drink. If I had a bottle of something in my place I'd certainly be hitting it right about now! Well, at least I only have a couple more days left in my solid work streak. It's been almost 2 weeks without a full day off. Relaxation is in the near future....