Last night I went to the STARS concert at the Showbox. I wasn't really into going out since it was a Wednesday night, even though it was like my Saturday night. Wednesday just seems like an odd day of the week for me to go out. Anyway, an awesome concert is a good enough excuse for me to get dressed up and go have some fun. So, I headed downtown to arrive just in time for the set change from the opening band. The STARS came on and I was thrilled! The sound is so much better in the Showbox then in the larger Theatres that I'm used to working with. I won't name any names....hehehe. I had seen the STARS play when they opened for Death Cab For Cutie a month or so back and I liked them but didn't have as much fun as I did last night. I seemed to be more enveloped by their voices, which are very soothing. Well, I just wanted to share my excitement about last nights show. I hope everyone is having a great day!!!


Hi, i emailed you was wondering if you got that...anyway i got some information for you on what we discussed...I hope all is well, sounds like you had a great time! Yah, i was wondering if you just dont comment or, that, lol. Hey whatever its cool...hope we can chat soon , hotpinkxxxoooo

I shall have to check that band out.