It's nice to remind yourself everyonce in a while that you can still do something different and completely out of the ordinary for you. A couple of days ago I got both of my nipples pierced. Now, considering this crowd, I know it probably won't impress anyone. However, for me, this is a BIG step. No one who knows me saw it coming. Hell, it caught me a bit by surprise. Honestly, it hurt more than I thought it would, but I didn't stop at just one. I got a little light-headed afterward and had to sit down, but other than that... The piercer even said I handled it better than most guys.
I suppose that's about the biggest news for me lately. I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while, my fiesty little fuckers. The manager at my store left just before the holiday season, which left me running the store. The seasonal help wasn't exactly stellar, either. Now, FINALLY, we have a new manager, so I can pass the buck and take a breath. So you had all better get ready to reacquire my taste, cause you'll be seeing more of me from now on.

I suppose that's about the biggest news for me lately. I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while, my fiesty little fuckers. The manager at my store left just before the holiday season, which left me running the store. The seasonal help wasn't exactly stellar, either. Now, FINALLY, we have a new manager, so I can pass the buck and take a breath. So you had all better get ready to reacquire my taste, cause you'll be seeing more of me from now on.
except not.
what an idiot! he'll love that when he's 90.