In science class, we were taught that if you wrap an iron core with copper wire and pass an electric current through it, you can create and electro-magnetic field. Today, I learned that if you put me in my store when it's a very hot and muggy day outside, I emit an asshole-magnetic field. Assholes exist in the world. There's no denying or avoiding the fact, especially since I may be one, depending whom you ask. But today... TODAY... today the percentage of rude, picky, selfish, ungrateful wastes-of-space that came into the store was WAY above normal. And even my coworkers were starting to crack up at how I was drawing every single one of them. You know you are having a bad day at work when you are slashing wildly at empty cardboard boxes with your boxcutter.
Now, I'm on my second neat glass of very good bourbon and I think I may be starting to get back to normal.

Now, I'm on my second neat glass of very good bourbon and I think I may be starting to get back to normal.

LOL I can't help it. I just like to spank people even people I don't know.

Thanks for the comment love!