to day is fucking boring and so will the next 3 cuz my roomate went to Kentucky and im here by myself and i dont have a car cuz im a bum and everything is so fucking lame all my friends went home this weekend wich pretty much leaves me by myself frown
Man im so fucking bored work is like dragging ass were getting deployed back to iraq again for a year to a year and a half this time wich really sucks i got a whole bunch of new people in the platoon and about 4 of them are worthless so i need to figure out something... frown sigh... at least i get to drink friday smile its...
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Hmmmm what to say what to say, last night was an interesting night i guess i was piss drunk and my friend was upstairs with his female counterpart and i was talking with them for a while and my roomate came in and sat on a lit candle and broke the glass and cut his butt and got wax everywhere i was laughin so hard...
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well frown it looks like i wont be playing video games anymore considering someone broke into my house while I was at PT in the morning and stole my xbox and and pretty much all my games except for 2 shitty ones and a bunch of mine and my roomates DVD's so im like super bummed and pissed at the same time... its such bullshit i was only gone for like 3 hours... why is this month so hard on me....... frown everything is going wrong this month.... frown
well the last i heard im getting deployed in january back to iraq this time for a year to a year and a half... even though im a tanker now im getting to do room alcearing shit like swat team shit wich is kinda cool so i dunno skull some one reply to my messages damnit lol i hate talking to my self, cuz sometimes i just dont feel like answering back blackeyed
Man boredem is a bitch..... whatever