Got one of these things, so it seems apt to answer it (and do a proper Blog entry later:

New Year

1. Will you be looking for a new job?
I'm always looking for a new job. Not that the one I have is that bad, it's just not what I want to do, and I'm a material person who wants more money to buy...
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Hope everyone had a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year! ARRR!!!

New Years for me was... interesting

I went round a good friends of mine for their New Years party which has become so much a tradition, that people now assume they're having one even when they're not. (Disclaimer: I had the good grace to be invited).

I polished off a bottle of Jack Daniels,...
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hahah thanks for the msg...jack daniels, good drink of choice! i was drinking bombay gin....and by the end of the night....straight and it was war....haha!
Just a quickie - I guess that's what my ex was complaining about frown

I have posted a new story for any of you smut-fans

I am also on XBOX LIVE (for the 360) - anyone want to add my gamertag (and mock my comparitively low Gamerscore - my ID is SUBM0NKEY (the "O" is a zero).

Read the last blog! It's WAY more interesting!
thanks heaps....im not one for hurting people......im just hoping he sorts his shit out and still wants to be with me he does. i don't feel ready to be single, it's so daunting over mre than 4 years being with someone frown
Well last night was the work Christmas Do, and what can I say.

The day starting with me getting up at five thirty so I could get to work for seven, and hence when the lunch started I would be completely free to do what I wanted, and hence not have to return to work! Wahey!

After plodding slowly through work, the anticipation became to...
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What does it say about your psyche when you try and do some creative writing and end up writing two texts - The first is just pure erotica smut, the second the introduction to a zombie outbreak.

I cynically view it as the expression of the basic adrenal drives, or the three "F'" to Fight, Flight (Zombie Scenarios) and to Fuck (Erotica/Smut obviously).

I had...
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thanks for commenting my set biggrin Radio head rocks wink
now where have you gone?!
smile GUILTY smile

I can't really say too much about this because of issues of disclosure, but I can say it was good to hear those words in one of my cases. The offence is one of those I consider the most abhorrent, an offence that sickens me and every time I've dealt with it I've been a little crazy. So it's over, for my side at...
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yay for writing.

hope court wasn't too bad.

and yeah...she didnt' count..she just meant its really far away. whatever
Okay this is a pretty damn sad thing to be Blogging about, but I have to put it out there because I so rarely get any positive feedback at work...

This is from one of the "higher-ups" (along with cookies - Yes I got cookies too smile )

Your calm approach to whatever was thrown at you, (if you exclude the head banging on the table...
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rarely get positive feedback at work? that's terrible..i hope the cookies were damn worth it and not milk arrowroots or something equally boring miao!!
In a very random mood, so today I present:


True or False?

  • Sub Monkey is a three hundred year old vampire?

    False [/B} - This story comes from a meeting of an assosciate of an assosciate who decided to introduce himself as a three hundred year old vampire. Well, Hello? If you're a three hundred year old vampire how come...
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So today's my birthday, and what did I get? Another day older and deeper in debt.

Well that and a few choice items:

* Subscription to Suicide Girls for one years (purchased by self)
* Maid Marion and her Merry Men - Series One and Two on DVD (from Parents and Brother)
* Two Van Heusen Shirts - Purple - and matching tie
* Pirates...
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ive got two things to say to you
1. happy birthday
2. no hangover. bastard!