Today has been spent mainly revising, and eating my standard revision diet - That is Cola of some description and Party Rings. I think I may need the extra E numbers.
My Dad's been clearing through some of his old papers, and brought me some old report papers from when I was in Primary School. I thought I'd share some snippets.
He shows great interest in books and often sits reading to himself. He will contribute to class discussions if he is 'in the mood'. He can write interesting little stories - again if he is feeling like it.
- Year One: Language
------ will listen if he interested, but if the subject does not interest him he will 'switch off' and disappear into a world of his own!
- Year One: Enviromental Studies
------ is an individual and likes to do things in his own time and his own way. He is a happy little boy, but is also extremely sensitive
- Year One: General attitude and beaviour
------ alays listens well and takes part in discussion. He has a good general knowledge and often contribute information
- Year Two: Envioromental Studies
He has good original ideas for stories, producing worthwhile results.
- Yeatrr Three: Language
Very enthusiastic and interested in all topics. He enteres into discussions and is good at offering his knowledge or his own good imaginative suggestions. All works connected to topics ------ tackles with much care and interest
- Year Three: Environmental Studies
His creative language shows signs of a very fertile imagination and is always original.
- Year Five: Langauge
------ participates enthusiastically in most areas of the ciriculum, particularly in areas which require him to use his imagination, eg. art, music and drama. He is less keen on physcial activity.
- Year Six: Other Areas
------ works hard at the areas he enjoys , particularly art and langauge, and produces original work. However, he finds it difficult to concentrate on areas he enjoys less and is very slow at completing what he is asked to do.
- Year Six: General Attitude and Behaviour
Now, I'm sure that was a FASCINATING insight into me, although it kind of worries me that, some twenty years on I'm pretty much still the same. Okay, now my original writing is of a smutty nature, or features zombies or vampires; my music is either my real Guitar or Rocking it out to Guitar Hero. My Dram has moved onto being a DM for geeks to roleplay in...
Is that good or bad?
My Dad's been clearing through some of his old papers, and brought me some old report papers from when I was in Primary School. I thought I'd share some snippets.
He shows great interest in books and often sits reading to himself. He will contribute to class discussions if he is 'in the mood'. He can write interesting little stories - again if he is feeling like it.
- Year One: Language
------ will listen if he interested, but if the subject does not interest him he will 'switch off' and disappear into a world of his own!
- Year One: Enviromental Studies
------ is an individual and likes to do things in his own time and his own way. He is a happy little boy, but is also extremely sensitive
- Year One: General attitude and beaviour
------ alays listens well and takes part in discussion. He has a good general knowledge and often contribute information
- Year Two: Envioromental Studies
He has good original ideas for stories, producing worthwhile results.
- Yeatrr Three: Language
Very enthusiastic and interested in all topics. He enteres into discussions and is good at offering his knowledge or his own good imaginative suggestions. All works connected to topics ------ tackles with much care and interest
- Year Three: Environmental Studies
His creative language shows signs of a very fertile imagination and is always original.
- Year Five: Langauge
------ participates enthusiastically in most areas of the ciriculum, particularly in areas which require him to use his imagination, eg. art, music and drama. He is less keen on physcial activity.
- Year Six: Other Areas
------ works hard at the areas he enjoys , particularly art and langauge, and produces original work. However, he finds it difficult to concentrate on areas he enjoys less and is very slow at completing what he is asked to do.
- Year Six: General Attitude and Behaviour
Now, I'm sure that was a FASCINATING insight into me, although it kind of worries me that, some twenty years on I'm pretty much still the same. Okay, now my original writing is of a smutty nature, or features zombies or vampires; my music is either my real Guitar or Rocking it out to Guitar Hero. My Dram has moved onto being a DM for geeks to roleplay in...
Is that good or bad?
i was a good little girlfriend/wifey and sat quietly doing my homework. xx