Okay, I said I'd post more often so here goes.
My head hurts. Brain literally feels like it's boiling and dying simultaneously.
That's the effects of a long day followed by three hours on Wills and Probate. God, Inheritance Tax sucks. You get taxed when you live and the freaking Government tax you when you die as well. What's that about? I mean logically Road Tax is supposedly about paying for the Roads; Income Tax and National Insurance relate to employment (again in theory), but 40 fricking percent?
Working on a story, so I may be posing again, although I noticed all my old posts have dropped off the Group, except for (ironically enough) the one on why I post stories.
Apart from that nothing exciting.
My head hurts. Brain literally feels like it's boiling and dying simultaneously.
That's the effects of a long day followed by three hours on Wills and Probate. God, Inheritance Tax sucks. You get taxed when you live and the freaking Government tax you when you die as well. What's that about? I mean logically Road Tax is supposedly about paying for the Roads; Income Tax and National Insurance relate to employment (again in theory), but 40 fricking percent?
Working on a story, so I may be posing again, although I noticed all my old posts have dropped off the Group, except for (ironically enough) the one on why I post stories.
Apart from that nothing exciting.
inheritance tax is very silly