fixed my trailer today. not ideally, but enough to make it road-worthy again. at somepoint I need to buy a new fender though.
got a job tomorrow mowing a lawn and cleaning up my yard.
I was helping a firend of mine move yesterday and got an old RCA Victrola console stereo out of it. Wood case, swing out speakers, turntable and radio. Does it work? not that I saw, but I didn't screw around with it too much. my husband loves it, so that piece won't be going up on ebay.
and seeing that we're in the end of summer here, I decided to put up a SuicideBoys set, Su: 'Scaper days, trailer nights...
See what landscapers really do....

got a job tomorrow mowing a lawn and cleaning up my yard.
I was helping a firend of mine move yesterday and got an old RCA Victrola console stereo out of it. Wood case, swing out speakers, turntable and radio. Does it work? not that I saw, but I didn't screw around with it too much. my husband loves it, so that piece won't be going up on ebay.
and seeing that we're in the end of summer here, I decided to put up a SuicideBoys set, Su: 'Scaper days, trailer nights...
See what landscapers really do....

and I want your tummy. That is all.