Here's the scary scoop, kids.
I'm hosting a Halloween party on the 29th evening of the at my house and I'd like to see all your pretty naked-girlie-loving faces there. My basement is made for parties (it has a bar that was handcrafted from a waterbed - HOT! and plenty-o-space for a band, should anyone wish to play). Bring friends as long as they're not the kind that hit people because my brother has a habit of getting punched in the head by strangers.
so be my friend. full details are in the works, but in the meantime, i welcome your assistance in some of the planning. if anyone has any awesome ideas, feel free to share them.
*costumes are encouraged, but not required. all who choose not to wear a costume are requested to dress all in black.
**we've got a band that wants to play and possibly a couple dj's to spin. i'll post when we've got confirmation.
***please note that we've changed the date of the party to friday, the 29th. why, you ask? because it was a choice between a saturday, the 30th without live dj's or friday, the 29th with dj's. we've got two dj's and a band. so show up, dammit.
**** tonight, we scored a third dj and finished the invites. i'll post a copy when i get the pdf version.
***** the official invites are complete (and awesome, i might add). send me an email and i'll send you the pdf version.
****** i think we might have to go with a different beer for the keg. unless someone knows a liquor store that carries killians in a keg. if you do, please let me know. i've called every liquor store in a ten mile radius of my place and no one carries it. blast!
i saw prince today. he eats bagels.
I'm hosting a Halloween party on the 29th evening of the at my house and I'd like to see all your pretty naked-girlie-loving faces there. My basement is made for parties (it has a bar that was handcrafted from a waterbed - HOT! and plenty-o-space for a band, should anyone wish to play). Bring friends as long as they're not the kind that hit people because my brother has a habit of getting punched in the head by strangers.
so be my friend. full details are in the works, but in the meantime, i welcome your assistance in some of the planning. if anyone has any awesome ideas, feel free to share them.
*costumes are encouraged, but not required. all who choose not to wear a costume are requested to dress all in black.
**we've got a band that wants to play and possibly a couple dj's to spin. i'll post when we've got confirmation.
***please note that we've changed the date of the party to friday, the 29th. why, you ask? because it was a choice between a saturday, the 30th without live dj's or friday, the 29th with dj's. we've got two dj's and a band. so show up, dammit.
**** tonight, we scored a third dj and finished the invites. i'll post a copy when i get the pdf version.
***** the official invites are complete (and awesome, i might add). send me an email and i'll send you the pdf version.
****** i think we might have to go with a different beer for the keg. unless someone knows a liquor store that carries killians in a keg. if you do, please let me know. i've called every liquor store in a ten mile radius of my place and no one carries it. blast!

I have yet to get directions
can you send them please ?