i've got a baby bunny. do you?
clyde was at some motorcycle gang get together today and a crow flew overhead and dropped it on the roof of a building. in a panic, the little guy jumped off the roof. clyde brought it home for me. he seems to be ok, for the most part. he's got a cut on his side from the crow claws that may need to be stitched up. we're going to take him to a vet tomorrow to see what we can do for him. for now, i'm trying to feed him formula and convince him that i'm a good guy. he's tiny and oh so cute.
so, i'm looking for names for this guy. leave your entries below.
clyde was at some motorcycle gang get together today and a crow flew overhead and dropped it on the roof of a building. in a panic, the little guy jumped off the roof. clyde brought it home for me. he seems to be ok, for the most part. he's got a cut on his side from the crow claws that may need to be stitched up. we're going to take him to a vet tomorrow to see what we can do for him. for now, i'm trying to feed him formula and convince him that i'm a good guy. he's tiny and oh so cute.

so, i'm looking for names for this guy. leave your entries below.
fuck thas cold...brrrrrr.
Titties would be an awsome name