my sweet, sweet kittie toki has gone missing.
i have not seen him in a week and i think someone stole him, i guess it's just nicer to think that he's still alive instead in some fucking coyote's stomach.
I FUCKING HATE COYOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's next to imposible to have an outdoor cat when u live near trails and chopped down forests.
Fuck the treechoppers too.
I started work yesterday at Zellers! Xciting, i know. I like working there though, i get to keep all my piercings in which is dope, especially working at Zellers.

I FUCKING HATE COYOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's next to imposible to have an outdoor cat when u live near trails and chopped down forests.
Fuck the treechoppers too.
I started work yesterday at Zellers! Xciting, i know. I like working there though, i get to keep all my piercings in which is dope, especially working at Zellers.