Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I pressed some button on the computer by accident and what i wrote just disappeared.
Goddamn! i hate it when i do stuff like that. Anyways,
I just had a wonderful shower and know i smell pretty like flowers. I love that smell when you just get out of the shower; it makes me feel like a kid.
Well today my mum took me grocery shopping! Which is so friggin awesome cus i've had no food in my house in so long. My mum rocks!
And here's an abnormal story, curtosy of my mum:
This 20 year old guy decided to steal 2 lobsters from a supermarket. He put them down his pants. His Fucking Pants! What a flippin moron! U can guess what the lobsters did. This man can no longer have children. He's lucky he still has his cock. But come on... how stupid can u be. The world really amazes me at times.
Tams is coming to visit me this weekend from chiliwack so i'm lookin forward to that.
I got some scalp treatment shampoo for my psoriesis so hopefully it will heal my scalp.
I saw 2 more movies yesterday. Finding Neverland and Closer. Closer was awesome. Natalie Portman is so beautiful.
Only 1 1/2 weeks of school left. Yeah!!!!!!!
My mouth is completely run off now so that's all
I pressed some button on the computer by accident and what i wrote just disappeared.

I just had a wonderful shower and know i smell pretty like flowers. I love that smell when you just get out of the shower; it makes me feel like a kid.
Well today my mum took me grocery shopping! Which is so friggin awesome cus i've had no food in my house in so long. My mum rocks!
And here's an abnormal story, curtosy of my mum:
This 20 year old guy decided to steal 2 lobsters from a supermarket. He put them down his pants. His Fucking Pants! What a flippin moron! U can guess what the lobsters did. This man can no longer have children. He's lucky he still has his cock. But come on... how stupid can u be. The world really amazes me at times.
Tams is coming to visit me this weekend from chiliwack so i'm lookin forward to that.
I got some scalp treatment shampoo for my psoriesis so hopefully it will heal my scalp.
I saw 2 more movies yesterday. Finding Neverland and Closer. Closer was awesome. Natalie Portman is so beautiful.

Only 1 1/2 weeks of school left. Yeah!!!!!!!
My mouth is completely run off now so that's all
that lobster story is great.....idiot