So I finally broke up with my boyfriend.
And now he's being a stupid prick! he wont even talk to me.
And i just don't get it. I told him things were not working out and he agreed and then we had sex and i figured we were cool. But i guess he doesn't want just sex, which makes no fuckin sense since he did not treat me as his girlfriend. It's so frustrating!!!!!!!
And the new guy i met seems to really like me, but he wont call. And i asked him about it and he said he's just bad wiht the phone. Men are so confusing to me. Anyways i don't really want a boyfriend. I want to be friends and see what comes from there. I just don't want to be fucked over. I deserve respect, and sad to say, but there are few men who have given that to me.
ON the up side, school's good and so's work.
Tomarrow's St. Patty's Day and i'm going to get plastered!!!
I've been looking forward to it all week.
Next week is my roomates birthday so we're gonna be partying it up again.
Life overall is pretty good. I have the best friends ever.
Last nite, me and my roomate Dee drove out to chiliwack to comfort my girlfriend, cus her boyfriend kicked her out and treats her like trash. She still wont leave him though and it's driving me round the bend! I want her to be happy and i don't know if she'll find that happiness where she is right now. We brought her flowers. Being there for my girlfriends is really important to me. That's when u know u have great friends.
Anyways know that i've run my mouth off, here's my final thought: why do people have to be so immature? That's my biggest pet peeve ever -IMMATURITY! Fuck people! Grow the fuck up!

And the new guy i met seems to really like me, but he wont call. And i asked him about it and he said he's just bad wiht the phone. Men are so confusing to me. Anyways i don't really want a boyfriend. I want to be friends and see what comes from there. I just don't want to be fucked over. I deserve respect, and sad to say, but there are few men who have given that to me.

ON the up side, school's good and so's work.
Tomarrow's St. Patty's Day and i'm going to get plastered!!!

Next week is my roomates birthday so we're gonna be partying it up again.
Life overall is pretty good. I have the best friends ever.
Last nite, me and my roomate Dee drove out to chiliwack to comfort my girlfriend, cus her boyfriend kicked her out and treats her like trash. She still wont leave him though and it's driving me round the bend! I want her to be happy and i don't know if she'll find that happiness where she is right now. We brought her flowers. Being there for my girlfriends is really important to me. That's when u know u have great friends.
Anyways know that i've run my mouth off, here's my final thought: why do people have to be so immature? That's my biggest pet peeve ever -IMMATURITY! Fuck people! Grow the fuck up!

All men are animals, some just make better pets...
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