My grandparents come home from New Zealand tomarrow!
I miss them and they're so awesome.
I spent yesterday afternoon with my mum and my sister and we never do that. It was really nice. We drank wine and watched the stepford wives, which was not that great of a movie. It was a good day though.
Today i worked and went to class as usual. Nothing too spectacular happened.
Really have nottin to say.
Last Thought: my brain is empty

I spent yesterday afternoon with my mum and my sister and we never do that. It was really nice. We drank wine and watched the stepford wives, which was not that great of a movie. It was a good day though.
Today i worked and went to class as usual. Nothing too spectacular happened.
Really have nottin to say.
Last Thought: my brain is empty

hey thanks for the add.
You have my dream job! Can you get me a deal?