Ah, the last day of February, time goes by so fast. The weather has turned dreary
But I went with my roomate for all u can sushi today and that rocked!!
I have to work tonite, but that's okay. We might not make our target and if we don't we wont get our usual bonus, which will majorly blow. It's like another $70 at least and that pays my phone and cable bill. i drempt i went to england last nite for a long trip and i really want to do that; maybe my subconcious is trying to tell me something. I have to do reading homework for school, so i'll probably do that at work. the oscars were on last nite and the women's dresses were soooooooo beautiful. i love that stuff. other than that not much else to say about the oscars, but i'm glad sideways won an award cus that movie was really neat.

hey thanks for stopping by, don't be a stranger now!