GENTLEMEN! BEHOLD! robots to aid me in world domination! scary ones with lots of arms!!
i recently discovered a toy line that is quickly becoming one of my favorites ever. its called Xevoz, and theyre these sets of build-it-yourself action figures. its like legos only instead of blocks, its arms, legs, heads, etc. here are some of my own original creations:
GENTLEMEN! BEHOLD! my new dollie!!
i was cleaning up my workspace yesterday and came across the fashion victim that i had used as a 'test subject' for when i was making my first custom. she was in pretty poor shape as i had tested all sorts of paints on her eyes and practiced giving piercing holes, but it seemed a shame to just let her go to waste. so i came up with an idea where her shoddy condition would not be an issue; cover up the bad spots with bandages. the end result looks much like something out of Hellraiser. i first shaved her head and then made a little hood for her out of a sock with a needle and thread. this way no flesh color would show through the wrappings. after the hood a went ahead and bandaged her up with some black bias tape (finely creased fabric strips. not actually an adhesive tape). next i used the remnants of the sock to make her some clothes. using the leftover scraps resulted in an uneven and raggedy look that i think fits her well. i thought her midportion looked a little boring so i did some long up and down stitching between the top and bottom clothing portions. next i wrapped her arms and legs and in doing so was finding that the wrapping didnt saty on well. what to do?? well sticking her full of pins seemed the obvious choice wouldnt you agree? i did the head in this way too so the look was consistant. i also have her some "stigmata". because ironic blasphemy is fun! (and yes i know its not really stigmata if theres actual nails in the hands, but i dunno what else to call it). the feet were the finishing touch. since they arein a pointed "high heel" pose i initially tried to stick a bunch of pins into her heels to let her stand p but this didnt work so i just gave her some shoes i took from another doll. so thats it! and it only took one evening
she needs a name though! any suggestions?
and last but DEFINETLY not least...
GENTLEMEN! BEHOLD! the cutest dimples on earth! BWAHAHAHA! all shall be powerless against the Adorable-Grin-a-tron!!!
GENTLEMEN! BEHOLD! robots to aid me in world domination! scary ones with lots of arms!!
i recently discovered a toy line that is quickly becoming one of my favorites ever. its called Xevoz, and theyre these sets of build-it-yourself action figures. its like legos only instead of blocks, its arms, legs, heads, etc. here are some of my own original creations:
GENTLEMEN! BEHOLD! my new dollie!!
i was cleaning up my workspace yesterday and came across the fashion victim that i had used as a 'test subject' for when i was making my first custom. she was in pretty poor shape as i had tested all sorts of paints on her eyes and practiced giving piercing holes, but it seemed a shame to just let her go to waste. so i came up with an idea where her shoddy condition would not be an issue; cover up the bad spots with bandages. the end result looks much like something out of Hellraiser. i first shaved her head and then made a little hood for her out of a sock with a needle and thread. this way no flesh color would show through the wrappings. after the hood a went ahead and bandaged her up with some black bias tape (finely creased fabric strips. not actually an adhesive tape). next i used the remnants of the sock to make her some clothes. using the leftover scraps resulted in an uneven and raggedy look that i think fits her well. i thought her midportion looked a little boring so i did some long up and down stitching between the top and bottom clothing portions. next i wrapped her arms and legs and in doing so was finding that the wrapping didnt saty on well. what to do?? well sticking her full of pins seemed the obvious choice wouldnt you agree? i did the head in this way too so the look was consistant. i also have her some "stigmata". because ironic blasphemy is fun! (and yes i know its not really stigmata if theres actual nails in the hands, but i dunno what else to call it). the feet were the finishing touch. since they arein a pointed "high heel" pose i initially tried to stick a bunch of pins into her heels to let her stand p but this didnt work so i just gave her some shoes i took from another doll. so thats it! and it only took one evening
and last but DEFINETLY not least...
GENTLEMEN! BEHOLD! the cutest dimples on earth! BWAHAHAHA! all shall be powerless against the Adorable-Grin-a-tron!!!
(Me and the unamed above, which I STILL think should be named MS.CREANT, Are prolly hangin out talkin Horror...and just how wonderful Jigs hands are! hehehe)
Aw you know me Jig...I know that in here unless you have pink undies, nobody gives two fucks...But, ya know what?? I just needs my goo fiends as yerself to read my witty banter, and I am good to go.
Slimy Smooches!!
Edited to say: WTF? When did you fall in Love???? AWWWWWWW!!! Why is everyone falling in Love??
I think It's like a Disease...a La Romero's THE CRAZIES!
[Edited on Jul 13, 2005 11:13AM]