i tried to go looking for a job again today and ended up getting completely lost for about 3.5 hours. i eventually found my way mack to familiar territory and picked up/filled out apps at comp usa and barnes and noble. both of which said they are hiring. im hoping for B&N
also i have been talking to a new girl the past few days. we are getting along very well. and while i remain optomistic, im not gonna get over eager or ahead of myself anymore. if it ends up working out this time thatll be wonderful, but i know not to assume anything too quickly now.

also i have been talking to a new girl the past few days. we are getting along very well. and while i remain optomistic, im not gonna get over eager or ahead of myself anymore. if it ends up working out this time thatll be wonderful, but i know not to assume anything too quickly now.
So...You might have to add another piercing to the 'SexySadie' doll (I showed my dad the doll, btw, and he is showing it to his friends!!"Look! This is a doll of my daughter!!!" He delights in the fact that not many parents can do so!)
Oh yeah...back to the extra jewellry. When you are pierced, especially a surface piercing, sometimes, once healed...you will have 'skintubes' (dry skin from inside the piercing come out...) and Even tho my Madison (see pic in Madpad/Journal) has not had a thing in it for almost a decade, I kept getting 'skintubes' from it, which meant that it was still there...which is incrdible for any piercing, let alone a piercing like this) I shoved a barebell through, and it went through like butter!
I don't know if it will stay there, but It is a little red, thats all..which is normal. But no heat or excessive redness denoting infection.
I hope you have never seen A Madison before...when I got mine, I was one of 7 that had it in N.America, so I can only hope that it is still not very popular .
(Thats why I took all my 'adornment' piercings out...I hated watching it become a trend!)
I hope both of the above situations work out. Although I would rather see you working making figurines, and any other type of Horror film memoribilia, But, we all have to do the 'Job' thang...Working in a place like B&N, tho, That would be awesome...I wish I would of worked in a cool bookstore...Mucho benefits!
And the gal? Like I said...Do not fret, you are doin just fine, and I am smiling just thinking about how fun this is all gonna be for you!
Take care, and I shall speak to you soon!
(Envelope on its way, I meant to tell you...)
Slimy smooches