"And abundance shall be unknown in the land"
Famine is my first ever figure based on a character of my own design. he took about three weeks from start to finish. the torso is from one toy and the hands and legs are from two others. so there was some amputation and surgery involved here. the tounge was originally a demon's tail, and the scythe is a composite of two different weapons. take a look:

Famine is my first ever figure based on a character of my own design. he took about three weeks from start to finish. the torso is from one toy and the hands and legs are from two others. so there was some amputation and surgery involved here. the tounge was originally a demon's tail, and the scythe is a composite of two different weapons. take a look:

I saw silent hill last week, it was a blast! This week I've got the unrated limited edition of The hills have eyes on dvd