the epitome of ironic terror: one of the many attendants of the unfortunate patients of the Silent Hill hospitals.
this is the first time ive attenpted actually sculpting a new head. till now id just repainted ones from other toys. i also had to sculpt the prominent cleavage that shes showing off. and as always, the clothes were hand made. her wee little hat is...
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this is the first time ive attenpted actually sculpting a new head. till now id just repainted ones from other toys. i also had to sculpt the prominent cleavage that shes showing off. and as always, the clothes were hand made. her wee little hat is...
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You can make some good money selling the nurses and pyramid favs. Let me know when you will sell?

nifty! what figure did you use for the body?
coming soon: my first ever original face sculpt on an action figure. till now id just repainted heads that already existed (or in pyramid head's and famine's cases, concealed the head altogether). so be ready ^_^
i am entralled in my waiting. is it gonna be sculpted after someone, or just a random face?
thats pretty sweet.
the flame


you're not old enough for beer!

Hey! How you been.......long time no chat.
Hit me up.
Hit me up.
i may have found a really awesome school
That is great news

school rocks. i need to go too.

pestillence (sp?)will be the next of my four apocalypse figures to get underway, but im still waiting for some parts i need to come in the mail. in the meantime im working on a figure of some superhero/villain characters i came up with named "Blister" and "The Pigeon Man"
The Pigeon Man.. is he part pigeon, or just have pigeons? or does he have pigeon toes?
nope, no luck with that
savvy new photo ya got there
Aw Jig!
Well, you know what? THAT? just proves that you have taken on a pride in your lifestyle...Thats A GOOOOOOD thang...Trust me...Look what it did for me!
... and Yeah....That profile pic keeps gettin bigger and better (and to think, there was a time....
You , me, and Yahoo some time soon. k?
Slimy Smooches,

Well, you know what? THAT? just proves that you have taken on a pride in your lifestyle...Thats A GOOOOOOD thang...Trust me...Look what it did for me!
... and Yeah....That profile pic keeps gettin bigger and better (and to think, there was a time....

You , me, and Yahoo some time soon. k?
Slimy Smooches,

todays schedule:
11 to 3pm-simltanious tv and animal crossing marathon
hurry up and wish me luck, ya dingbats!
11 to 3pm-simltanious tv and animal crossing marathon
hurry up and wish me luck, ya dingbats!
Good luck, and if you don't get the job -< no tears please, its a waste of good suffering ;-) (ps. in your pictures you have written cenobYte, its cenobite ;-) hahahahaa, I'm a hellraiser freak). In the shop in front of mine they have one of the original laments used in the hellbound heart, hellraiser II. I have a few original pictures on set of the first and third, and e few collector item and signed items. The last installment of the series was so damned bad.... but so where the comics. It's like Doug said during his interview when I saw him; 'The directors know what's good for the movies . . . . . . . . not'
good luck suckah
"And abundance shall be unknown in the land"
Famine is my first ever figure based on a character of my own design. he took about three weeks from start to finish. the torso is from one toy and the hands and legs are from two others. so there was some amputation and surgery involved here. the tounge was originally a demon's tail, and the scythe...
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Famine is my first ever figure based on a character of my own design. he took about three weeks from start to finish. the torso is from one toy and the hands and legs are from two others. so there was some amputation and surgery involved here. the tounge was originally a demon's tail, and the scythe...
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That figure is so damned beautifull, I think I have a few finished kits in my "my stuff" folder Right now I'm finishing a plug in suit figure by a-brand. Where do you buy your figures? I used to order mine on E2046, but since they never seem to give any feedback and always act like retards when I order anything I refuse to buy anything from them. So I switched over to Hobbyfan, they are great! I just ordered the devilman lady (I think you know them by devil lady) box set, I had them on bootleg, but the first disc didn't seem to work :-/ I do have a working bootleg disc of Devilman Apocalypse Amon... I don't remember what the label was though... :-/
I saw silent hill last week, it was a blast! This week I've got the unrated limited edition of The hills have eyes on dvd
(the remake that is), if you haven't seen that directors previous movie... well in that case you deserve PUNISHMENT
check out high tension (haute tnsion)
I saw silent hill last week, it was a blast! This week I've got the unrated limited edition of The hills have eyes on dvd

For the love of god (or cenobites in this case) DON'T call it a box........
it's a CONFIGURATION LAMENT!!!!!! I've got a picture of me standing next to Doug Bradley himself (Pinnhead as you SHOULD know ;-) ) and a picture of Pinnhead signed by him that says to Tom, see you in hell , Goud Bradley
I've modded my gamecube, its fully black now, with a punisher logo on top of it and bright blue leds in the power platic thingy and the 4 controller ports
(EDIT I've spray painted it mysef, using hand custom made stickers) I'll post ya a pic! Got my lite imported from lik-sang a few months ago

"And abundance will be unknown in the land"
get ready to meet Famine
get ready to meet Famine
bible quotes rock!