So yeah... my shit runs out on the 7th, I don't think I'm going to renew. Or maybe I will after a week or two. Who knows. We shall see.
You can find me at if you must although there isn't much of me there either.
It's been fun. I met some cool people on here and had a lot of fun.
P.S. The new design sucks bawls. Talk about making something simple too complicated.
You can find me at if you must although there isn't much of me there either.
It's been fun. I met some cool people on here and had a lot of fun.
P.S. The new design sucks bawls. Talk about making something simple too complicated.
well that sucks mr 'i met him once and he was really coo,l but i will proabably never see him again'.

take care, give a ring