sniff, sniff.... smells like....Victory!
If only I was still living in Georgia then I could rub some peoples faces in it. I know, so uncool, but I'm not that cool to begin with. In yo' face republicans!
Here's to 2 years of congressional subpeonas and investigations (about damn time!). Cheers!

Oh yes, quite sure.
If only I was still living in Georgia then I could rub some peoples faces in it. I know, so uncool, but I'm not that cool to begin with. In yo' face republicans!
Here's to 2 years of congressional subpeonas and investigations (about damn time!). Cheers!

Oh yes, quite sure.
The republican kegger is over. The mood is more 'relief' rather than 'glorious victory, lets prade W's head on a pike'. Thank god, now we can fix everything that they've fucked into the stone age.