Patrons! So I now we're in the middle of the summer and Valentine's Day was ages ago, but I was keeping this set for a special ocassion, and since this is my birthday week I think it's time! This is just the first half of this photoshoot, I 'll be uploading the second one along with @ChicaRedVelvet the next month of September. Enjoy ❤
Beautiful photo.
love sexy lingerie
Here's an example of some pictures I took from a colleague model a couple of weeks back in Alicante.
You can find my photographer account on instagram as @shotbyvoncaustic
I've never been allowed to try it out 😢
Damm you're sexylicious 🔥💜🌹
Apart from my job as model and photographer, I work mostly as a professional Domme and I do foot fetish sessions too, so I decided to open a new tier on my Patreon dedicated entirely to this. So if you're into femdom or just love feet feel free to join and help a girl out! You can ask me for the link privately or check...
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