I've had a guest in town for the week, and i have been trying to juggle being a good host/tour guide while accomadating my entire family who have come into town to bear witness to the baptism of my baby neice. At the same time, i have been having issues with someone trying to make themselves a part of my life....again. even after all the bullshit we had to swim through just to finally put a period on it and walk away with what's left.... alone. i am painfully behind in both kinds of work, ie: the work i have to do just to please other people, and the work i do to satisfy my desire to create. just as the shit's hitting the fan, and my brain pushing me closer to going rambo....... i find a full pack of cigarettes in my pocket. life ain't so shitty. happy easter.
i think it was more like you were trying to shut me up.
I doubt I'll be around here for much longer. Just so you know.