So Jane had this new jacket with your urban camouflage printed on it. Its made of animals, the camouflage pattern that is, not the coat. A childrens coat, girls can wear childrens coats, apparently.

Me Im blathering on about it being somewhat redundant in a urban setting, blah blah blah, no ones listening. Apart that is from when your outside certain off licences that advertise their wears on that lurid fluro card, cut into star shapes, Mad Dog 20/20 fucks you up That kind of shit. Well now your animal print urban cammo is the lick. Your virtually invisible innit.
Dazzle, so I says what and she goes Dazzle, its what you call the camouflage paintjob on ships And Im like no your shitting me cause I always wondered if they just made up those wacky shapes or if some supper boffin invented it to make ships disappear and it turns out to be the latter. A good bit of dazzle can make a ship blend into the horizon, different dazzle for different seas you see (geddit).
So I says Why dont we go and visit HMS Belfast and check out some real life dazzle in the flesh and she says Yeah.
So we did and they had a cat on board.

Isnt he cute?
On a slightly grown up note I would recommend a visit to HMS Belfast just to remind you how very silly, utterly futile & totally fucking brutal war is in the unlikely event that any of you are considering enlisting.
This weekend I am going to see ESG in Camden, I will be signing photocopies of my utility bill for anyone that is interested, peace out.
That cat has a hamock, awesome.