Up early, messed up the bed again, brought a case of cheap beer from the Wing On offie, it was past its sell buy date so I got it cheap. Got the shits something rotten. Ohhhh Ring of fire my arse.
What a tippity-top weekend. Fuck me I knew things where looking up when I went to get the paper and ran into a rather irate estate agent. But not any old estate agents, it was FoxtonsR Hackney representative, he must have got the shortest straw. His fucking annoying green mini had been clamped. I was so happy I almost shat myself. Again. Apologies if you work for Foxtons but you are a cunt & you know it.
As an Estate agent you are never safe!
Took Mr nightgoats advice and went and soaked up some art, always a good place to shelter from the weather and ponse a bit of cash. Robert Crumb @ the
Whitechapel This geezer is a genius and obsessive to boot. What a guy.
H reads me the menu.
Not satiated with just one art gallery we decided to head of to the ICA like a couple of French tourists and check out a film. Two lovely ladies outside gave us their day passes in an act of Random Kindness Spread the wealth and all that jazz.
We Saw Kill Your Idols Loads of original electro noize performers bitching about todays young pretenders. Worth if for
Gogol Bordello the cutting edge of Ukrainian electro noize punk/folk.
Strewth what a lot of culture! Time to toss off a few drinks in the bar before heading back to the ghetto to get totally wankered. Went to a party and played somebody elses records.
What a total

What a tippity-top weekend. Fuck me I knew things where looking up when I went to get the paper and ran into a rather irate estate agent. But not any old estate agents, it was FoxtonsR Hackney representative, he must have got the shortest straw. His fucking annoying green mini had been clamped. I was so happy I almost shat myself. Again. Apologies if you work for Foxtons but you are a cunt & you know it.

As an Estate agent you are never safe!
Took Mr nightgoats advice and went and soaked up some art, always a good place to shelter from the weather and ponse a bit of cash. Robert Crumb @ the
Whitechapel This geezer is a genius and obsessive to boot. What a guy.

H reads me the menu.
Not satiated with just one art gallery we decided to head of to the ICA like a couple of French tourists and check out a film. Two lovely ladies outside gave us their day passes in an act of Random Kindness Spread the wealth and all that jazz.
We Saw Kill Your Idols Loads of original electro noize performers bitching about todays young pretenders. Worth if for
Gogol Bordello the cutting edge of Ukrainian electro noize punk/folk.

Strewth what a lot of culture! Time to toss off a few drinks in the bar before heading back to the ghetto to get totally wankered. Went to a party and played somebody elses records.
What a total
they have animals in englaaand? hehe