Suck on this squareHead
went to see Chix on speed but I twisted my noodle with Brok LobKowicz. This weeks guest beer @ Throatchoper.
What a total alchol sodden booze raved fuck.I lost a memory card with about 150 pics on it.. Ich bin ien Ubber twat
A Chick on speed
So a big shout goes out to the Kreutzburg massive. what dragged their sorry arses to Cargo for the end of the Fertilizer festival. Bit stinky. Christ why do I bother...
A chick fan that was good enough not to batter me sensless for being a drunken knobmeister..
A huge sorry to the mardy Australian geezer that would not let me back to my rightfull place @ the left of the stage. all that shite I said about your mother. Well it was the beer talkin..
Well fukin yeah, whats with all the wide open beaver shots? I never asked for wide open b.eaver & neither was I consulted.
So the gig was V. good despite my atempts to ruin it for everyone concerned. I'm of to see I am Kloot on Saterday night if anyone wants their eve4ning shited up.
If you are remotly interestead in single speed trak bike (bicycles) of fukin course you are, you just don't know it. go here Keirin.
I go out on Friday night & I come home on Saterday morning..
Keep it real fuckers, whatever that means...peace

went to see Chix on speed but I twisted my noodle with Brok LobKowicz. This weeks guest beer @ Throatchoper.
What a total alchol sodden booze raved fuck.I lost a memory card with about 150 pics on it.. Ich bin ien Ubber twat

A Chick on speed
So a big shout goes out to the Kreutzburg massive. what dragged their sorry arses to Cargo for the end of the Fertilizer festival. Bit stinky. Christ why do I bother...

A chick fan that was good enough not to batter me sensless for being a drunken knobmeister..
A huge sorry to the mardy Australian geezer that would not let me back to my rightfull place @ the left of the stage. all that shite I said about your mother. Well it was the beer talkin..

Well fukin yeah, whats with all the wide open beaver shots? I never asked for wide open b.eaver & neither was I consulted.
So the gig was V. good despite my atempts to ruin it for everyone concerned. I'm of to see I am Kloot on Saterday night if anyone wants their eve4ning shited up.
If you are remotly interestead in single speed trak bike (bicycles) of fukin course you are, you just don't know it. go here Keirin.

I go out on Friday night & I come home on Saterday morning..
Keep it real fuckers, whatever that means...peace
oooh i love that song.
you're supposed to just write 20 random facts about yourself. no need to be similar to mine.