Testing color combos. I didn't like these. Ironically disappointing. Message me if interested. Blue Feb 7, 2015 1 Facebook Tweet Email
Trying to fill up my sketchbook. Here's my take on Zilla. Page 55 or so. Jan 20, 2015 7 Facebook Tweet Email lyamoon: nice!! May 14, 2015 anoukevil: pretty! Aug 10, 2015
Valar Morghulis! Greetings from Essos. #gameofthrones #got #arya #stark #valarmorghulis #needle #t Jan 11, 2015 3 Facebook Tweet Email
When I'm not making shirts, I'm #Netflixing #BobsBurgers. So pretty much all the time. #HoboDinner Jan 5, 2015 4 Facebook Tweet Email
Shirts Dec 28, 2014 3 Facebook Tweet Email Screen printed shirts for sale. All Sizes. Worldwide. www.EdgarsStupidShirts.com