When something bad happens...
People always say "cherish those you love, you never know when the time will come they will no longer be with you..." and if you arent the person that has lost something, you maybe blink, think of someone you love for a split second, then your thoughts move on...
It isnt until its YOU posting those words, that phrase, as you hurt inside, missing someone you were close to, that you realize how hard it is to put into words what losing someone you were close to and cared for was like.
So, i'll not try to avoid being cliche, because if attempting to bring everyone's focus away from life's trivial distractions and back to what truly matters -the family that loves you, the friends who share in part of your life- if that is cliche, then paint me whatever color you wish.
My friend died in NYC tonight, and i feel a real emptiness in my heart. I didnt talk to him everyday, i didnt see him that often, but fuck do i miss him so much now.
R.I.P. Josh Link, you will be missed by more people than you probably ever imagined, because you impacted people's lives without even realizing it.
I never had a brother, but i imagine he would have been a lot like you.
People always say "cherish those you love, you never know when the time will come they will no longer be with you..." and if you arent the person that has lost something, you maybe blink, think of someone you love for a split second, then your thoughts move on...
It isnt until its YOU posting those words, that phrase, as you hurt inside, missing someone you were close to, that you realize how hard it is to put into words what losing someone you were close to and cared for was like.
So, i'll not try to avoid being cliche, because if attempting to bring everyone's focus away from life's trivial distractions and back to what truly matters -the family that loves you, the friends who share in part of your life- if that is cliche, then paint me whatever color you wish.
My friend died in NYC tonight, and i feel a real emptiness in my heart. I didnt talk to him everyday, i didnt see him that often, but fuck do i miss him so much now.
R.I.P. Josh Link, you will be missed by more people than you probably ever imagined, because you impacted people's lives without even realizing it.
I never had a brother, but i imagine he would have been a lot like you.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Josh. My thoughts are with you.