So, work's been crazy busy... To re-cap on what seems like it's been utterly ages:
I got a promotion with work, and moved to the west mids as a result.
Started off really well, made bucket loads of savings for the company and expnaded the department slightly.
I then get asked to take more work on, and told that I have to reduce my staff count - GREAT!
So, ended up with too much work and not enough staff to do it and therefore working all hours under the sun and my social life dying a death.
Get asked to transfer some work over to a different department (good and bad, less work in the long run, mor in the short, but it's the bit of work I was brought in to do in the first place - bit gutting!).
I'm now finally getting to a point where I can actually do this transfer, but feeling super stressed and a bit fed up :-(
Oh and so far this year, I've taken four day holiday
Burnt out is not the word!
So that's the work rant out of the way...
I've moved house quite a lot (trying to find a decent shared house) and I'm completely failing to meet a girl.
I'm not in the happiest of places right now, but I'm looking to the future and holding my head high! I have two weeks away from all the crap and some time travelling through europe with some good mates. The world will be a much better place afterwards, I'm sure :-)
How's life with you?
I got a promotion with work, and moved to the west mids as a result.
Started off really well, made bucket loads of savings for the company and expnaded the department slightly.
I then get asked to take more work on, and told that I have to reduce my staff count - GREAT!
So, ended up with too much work and not enough staff to do it and therefore working all hours under the sun and my social life dying a death.
Get asked to transfer some work over to a different department (good and bad, less work in the long run, mor in the short, but it's the bit of work I was brought in to do in the first place - bit gutting!).
I'm now finally getting to a point where I can actually do this transfer, but feeling super stressed and a bit fed up :-(
Oh and so far this year, I've taken four day holiday

So that's the work rant out of the way...
I've moved house quite a lot (trying to find a decent shared house) and I'm completely failing to meet a girl.
I'm not in the happiest of places right now, but I'm looking to the future and holding my head high! I have two weeks away from all the crap and some time travelling through europe with some good mates. The world will be a much better place afterwards, I'm sure :-)
How's life with you?
Still, at least when i do come back to online, i have this place to come to.