Last night... Well... What can I say?
Things started out well

They stayed in relatively good form

(I was clearly far too sober to be in a club at this point...)
Then things started to go down hill a little

And then just regressed into stupidity

I don't have any pictures of how the night ended, I was far far far far too drunk for pictures. Infact there are quite a few chunks of my night that have gone walkies, but hey, all in the name of fun!
Things started out well

They stayed in relatively good form

(I was clearly far too sober to be in a club at this point...)
Then things started to go down hill a little

And then just regressed into stupidity

I don't have any pictures of how the night ended, I was far far far far too drunk for pictures. Infact there are quite a few chunks of my night that have gone walkies, but hey, all in the name of fun!

I agree, you need to be in a situation where it matters more to the other guy(s) where you go than it does to you before you can really start exploiting the situation.
That or a lot of bluffing and some serious cahones.
I think I got a good deal in the end- hope it works out well for you.