Hi there, people 
here's the list of all the sets I did as a photographer, in chronological order
The first ever : Allusyah in "La Lectrice"
Then LadyMina first set : "Lazt Night"
Then Ninouchka first set : "Joueuse"
Recently came LadyMina second set : "Bathroom play"
And yesterday, Messaline first set "MC Clubhouse"
Hope you enjoy their pics, and please, vote for them, they are real cool girls
Another girl from my pinup army came recently as an hopeful : Navis, her set "a black sofa story" will soon be online

here's the list of all the sets I did as a photographer, in chronological order
The first ever : Allusyah in "La Lectrice"
Then LadyMina first set : "Lazt Night"
Then Ninouchka first set : "Joueuse"
Recently came LadyMina second set : "Bathroom play"
And yesterday, Messaline first set "MC Clubhouse"
Hope you enjoy their pics, and please, vote for them, they are real cool girls

Another girl from my pinup army came recently as an hopeful : Navis, her set "a black sofa story" will soon be online


Hello there!, thanks for the friendship!