Sunday Apr 25, 2004 Apr 25, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Beer is the devil's urine and cigarettes are his StinkyTrunks. Crushed. Apparently I like to nap in bars too. VIEW 19 of 19 COMMENTS fearlessshogun: Hey hows it going. Nice meeting you there. Everything is kinda a blur right now. I got there buzzed from Vodka, then had some beer. See ya at the next event or hangnin out. Apr 26, 2004 nestor: yay, I can't wait to get wasted again. you and geeze fucking rock. but please, next time, can we keep you pants at waist level? no more up, or down. Apr 26, 2004
but please, next time, can we keep you pants at waist level? no more up, or down.