It is so odd logging on the site after so long. Last night i posted a short rundown of things that have been going on.
I still work at the paper shop, still just go to work, come home play with logan, eat dinner, read a bit and go to sleep, wake up the next morning and do it all over again. Things have been really stressed for us, both with money and in Chelle and my relationship. As bad as it was right after Logan was born, it seems like it is getting as bad again, if not worse.
but that is for another time not tonight
this post is all about Boogie

I still work at the paper shop, still just go to work, come home play with logan, eat dinner, read a bit and go to sleep, wake up the next morning and do it all over again. Things have been really stressed for us, both with money and in Chelle and my relationship. As bad as it was right after Logan was born, it seems like it is getting as bad again, if not worse.
but that is for another time not tonight
this post is all about Boogie

He's looking like he's already to star driving. LOL! Glad to see you're back.