So last weekend was really great we just sat at home and didn't go or do anything. Chelle had a great time with Logan and I and decided that it was time to let go of some of the stress that we both have been dealing with. But it has been hard to stay positve this week, the lack of money is really eatting away at our happiness. It is hard to play with Logan and worry about how I am going to be able to pay all the bills and still buy gas and food for us all... let alone be able to buy him christmas presents. I know there are people out there in a worse situation than I am, and I am not saying aww my life sucks, because it doesn't at all. I just wish I knew how to handle things better. Chelle has been selling off her parents jewlery just so we have cash for food. I feel like the shittiest husband in the world for not being able to take better care of my family. I wish that I could get a second job and make more money but then I would never see my family not to mention the added pressure of a second batch of job stresses, it would screw with my blood sugar even more than things are now.
Chelle is at her wit's end, not knowing what to do on her end. She is applying for all sorts of things, but she just can'tfind something in a second shift that we need so we will not have to deal with daycare. There is no way in hell we could pay for that too. Without having family around it is really hard to raise a child, the only family we have is my little bro in Columbus and my Pop who is even further away, and then Chelle's sister Anna who has been a Godsend, but she works full time and can't really help out during the day so Chelle could go back to work.... oh well it will work out in the end.

Chelle is at her wit's end, not knowing what to do on her end. She is applying for all sorts of things, but she just can'tfind something in a second shift that we need so we will not have to deal with daycare. There is no way in hell we could pay for that too. Without having family around it is really hard to raise a child, the only family we have is my little bro in Columbus and my Pop who is even further away, and then Chelle's sister Anna who has been a Godsend, but she works full time and can't really help out during the day so Chelle could go back to work.... oh well it will work out in the end.